Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Cara Konfigurasi IP

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.00 1 komentar

Cara Konfigurasi IP

Setelah kemarin saya memposting tentang cara menginstal debian, berikut ini adalah cara untuk konfigurasi IP pada debian yang telah anda instal tadi yaa....

  1. Yang pertama,

Klik menu “Aplications”, pilih submenu “Accessories”, pilih “Root Terminal”

atau pilih “terminal” kemudian masuk ke root dengan cara ketik perintah “su” lalu masukkan pasword root anda seperti di bawah ini :

2.    Kemudian atur ip komputer anda dengan perintah “nano /etc/network/interfaces” seperti di bawah ini : 

3.    Lalu akan muncul kotak dialog seperti ini :

ketik di bagian bawah
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address (isi dengan ip address yang anda inginkan)
netmask (netmask yang anda gunakan)
gateway (gateway yang anda gunakan harus satu jaringan dengan ip address)

kemudian simpan dengan menekan CTRL-X, kemudian tekan “Y” lalu enter

4.    Kemudian restart network anda dengan perintah “/etc/init.d/networking restart” seperti di bawah ini :

5.    Jika berhasil akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini :

6.    Untuk mengecek ketik perintah “ifconfig”, lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini :

Rabu, 13 April 2016


Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.00 1 komentar


            Sebelum memulai langkah-langkah membuat akun di outlock. Perlu diketahui bahwa outlock adalah office yang dapat mengecek maupun mengontrol akun email anda tanpa harus membuka web browser akan tetapi anda juga harus memiliki koneksi internet. Di bawah ini adalah langkah membuat akun di outlock :
1.     Buka Ms. Outlock anda, jika tidak langsung muncul kotak dialog Acount Setting, buka pada menu Tools – Acount Setting

2.     Kemudian klik new

3.     Kemudian pilih Microsoft Exchange dan next

4.     Isi kolom sesuai dengan nama, alamat email, dan password akun email yang anda miliki (yang masih aktif)

5.     Kemudian next, dan ingat harus memiliki koneksi dengan internet. Jika berhasil maka akan muncul tampilan seperti ini

6.     Namun jika cara di atas tidak berhasil, pada jendela add new email account centang “manually configure server setting or additional server types”

7.     Dan isi kolom di bawah ini sesuai dengan apa yang anda miliki

8.     Akun anda telah jadi jika muncul seperti ini pada account setting

9.     Dan untuk mengecek keberhasilannya cek inbok anda, jika sudah ada kotak masuk maka setting anda telah sukses

Senin, 11 April 2016

Instalasi Debian versi CLI

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.00 1 komentar



Panduan  berikut akan menuntun dan memudahkan anda dalam penginstalan debian. Yang mana debian adalah salah satu  os yang ditelurkan oleh linux, yang akan jadi bahan materi kelas XII.

Langkah awal dalam penginstalan adalah mengoperasikan VIRTUALBOX.  Sudah anda kethui sendiri bagaimana cara penginstalan dan pengoperasian virtualbox. Maka sekarang kami akan langsung membahas seluk beluk penginstalan debian versi CLI ()

Langkah pertama ialah dari dinding pemilihan versi apakah kita akan menginstal debian. Jika kita menginginkan versi cli maka harus memilih -> INSTALL -> press enter

Langkah kedua ialah pemilihan bahasa. Bahasa tersebut sesuai keinginan anda                
->  ENGLISH -> press enter / continue

Langkah ketiga adalah memilih dimana lokasi anda. Dengan memilih -> other -> press enter -> asia -> indonesia

Langkah empat configure lokasi anda. -> united states -> press enter.

Langkah lima yaitu pemilihan bahasa keyboard. ->American English -> press enter

Tunggu beberapa saat kemudian.

Langkah enam yaitu konfigurasi network anda dengan nama anda. ->ketikan nama -> press enter

 Pengetikan nama user dan password jangan sampai lupa. -> ketikan password -> press enter -> nama user -> press enter
Langkah tujuh yaitu konfigurasi jam. Karena saya berada di Indonesia maka saya memilih  -> Jakarta -> press enter

Tunggu beberapa saat kemudian

Langkah delapan yaitu partisi hardisk anda. Seperti yang dicantumkan di bawah ini.

Langkah Sembilan yaitu konfigurasi paket manajer anda. Scan cd = no -> press enter 
Network mirror = no -> press enter 
Tunggu beberapa saat kemudian

Langkah sepuluh konfigurasi popularity. Participate = no -> press enter

Langkah sebelas yaitu pemilihan software. Centang paling atas dan paling bawh pada pilihan tersebut -> press enter

Langkah duabelas yaitu install grub boot loader. Install = yes -> press enter

Langkah selanjutnya ialah menunggu debian anda melakukan tugasnya sendiri sampai muncul ketampilan desktop. Jika sudah bias mencapai langkah tersebut berarti penginstalan anda telah berhasil



Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.00 1 komentar


*      Afford                                           : usahakan
*      Perforce                                         : terpaksa
*      statute bared                                  : kadaluwarsa
*      intentional                                     : sengaja
*      visible                                            : terlihat
*      establish                                         : menentukan
*      trace                                               : kesan
*      full inhabitant residence                : pemukiman padat
*      caught short                                   : kekurangan
*      Indicate                                         : menunjukan
*      Nought                                          : nol, awal
*      Assure                                           : menjamin
*      Financial capital                            : modal
*      Rakishness                                     : kegagalan
*      Plunge                                           : terjun
*      Ascension                                      : kenaikan
*      Appropriate                                   : sesuai, cocok
*      Debit                                             : hutang
*      Hindrance                                      : halangan
*      Repeatedly                                    : berulang kali
*      Eclipsed                                         : mengatasi
*      Tremble                                         : gentar
*      Audacious                                     : berani
*      Aphorism                                       : pepatah
*      Mussy                                            : kacau, berantakan
*      Oppress                                         : menindas
*      with the result                               : sehingga
*      enclose                                           : menyertakan


            The word “fail” is one of word which is sometimes appear in business. So many people get a fail work. It’s cn be happen becaause not experience enough in management money, marketing, and so all. Because of this, we need some strategy to get the success. Start with planning where your work place, financial capital, what you will to sell, who your customer, and about your pricing your product. All in business need to have detail of management and preparing your strong spirit to be businessman spirit. The specially to build the small store in village, we need very very strong spirit because selling in village is so hard if we can’t make price appropriate with inhabitant income.

The Fact
            Build business is not easy. Proven to be with so many people get them fail. Have many financial capital not assure of the success. Some people surrender in only one work, there are people straight try to get them success. But very little people want to straight trying. Most of these to be steess people because them get bankruptcy, rakishness, and them no  want to come up again. Not have any experience, yes, this is one of motive them failure. But for beginner businessman need to many study to get the success.

The Reading
            “10 Jurus Terlarang” this is a title of book by Ippo Santoso outlining some strategy to bring us forward us success for businessman. May be only ten, but this strategy can you doing in all live aspect, specially in business. This is some sentence or strategy can you use to increase your spirit. “Start with right” this is first strategy Ippo. The second is “Planning your dream and action since the early”. Third “Plunge like as Rollercoaster”. Then “Make piece with storm”. The next is “Sitting at a low”. Then “Change your title and position”. Seventh “Come in first to Paradise”.
The Purpose
            To inform beginner business some strategy to get them success. With hope, after read this report, can increase your income, attitude change, ascension position, sparkle ideas, and so all. So long as that positive.
The Problem Formulas
1.      How are the strategy to get the success?
2.      How are method to build small business?
3.      What is must to avoid in perform small business?
4.      How are the method to make pricing in small business?


            Are you want to build the small business?. This is ways to build the small business, specially in village. I do research the small business or small store in Ngambak village, exactly in beside my home. This store is my grandmother’s. My method to make report is observation, and interview my grandmother.
            According to my observation, make the small store specially in village must be notice to surrounding communities. Because we must make pricing adjust income surrounding communities. We have too selling product which is needed by surrounding communities.
            This is result from my observation and interview. Dialogue :
I           : What are you selling?
Owner             : I am sell main requirement like as : rice; fry oil, chili, soap, mie instant, coffee instant, milk instant and so all, I sell too snack, and some kinds of ice.
I          : how are you make pricing?
Owner : I make price appropriate with my neighbor and appropriate with price buying in market.
I          : how many profit from one object?
Owner : 200 until 500 rupias
I          : how are interest customers in your store? Can you explain according to details?
Owner : When my product complete, many customer come. But if some stock through, my store is slack. Sometime customer request to sell some product them I not yet sell. Sometime too customer buy and not yet paying. It’s meaning customer debit to me.
I          : How long period to debt?
Owner : Depend them when have any money.
I          : How about selling your ice?
Owner : sale for ice very popular when the weather so hot, even less when children return home or children have any holiday. Some ice and snack very fast through.
I          : What your hindrance or your problem during sell for a living?
Owner : when I must repeatedly shooping and not yet enough money. And when some customer have any debt.
I          : How your method to eclipsed them?
Owner : I try to dun my money to my customer and I take money to my financial capitaly so I not have profit.

Explaining Data
            In beginning I already say some strategy from Ippo book. First strategy is “start with right”, meaning for this sentence is  become right people. Right always meaningful with truth and positive case. So don’t ever input negative case in your thinking if you want to be right people. Some success figure, “never put fail concept  into them think” (Purdi Chandra, founder Primagama). They always think what not possible happen become possible happen. They never listen what people say, they only trust to them self that them can achieve what they want. Good is enemy for great, significance if we want to be great so we no be able to feel good enough. If we feel good enough, so we unwilling to correction your self.  Right in this strategy is use right brain. In traffic sign inscribed with “Use right track to getting ahead” but in business “Use right brain to getting ahead other”. Cause in business very need to be intuitive, be creative, and be extensive. All that there is in the right brain.
            Second strategy is “Planning dream and action since the early”. After you can change your self to be intuitive, be crative and be extensive with right brain, you must planning your dream. Not a just little dream but big dream. There is an aphorism “hang on your dream as high as sky”. So make your dream and sky as border. Hmm, what are the purpose?? First to deadline your self, and inspire your spirit, second that become promise to public that you not tremble and straight try. Third, after communication, according to automatic some people in your surrounding will give you some sugest. So, your planning will more and more be ripe. But all unwell happen without your action and action. You must audacious to take an action. Don’t be scare, “Actually, audacious is doing what your scaring” (Eddie Rickenbacker, racer knapping world record in Daytona).
            Third, “Plunge like as Rollercoaster”. Life is like a rollercoaster (Bon Jovi). In life, some time we are rise, but some time we are go down. Same as we in business. We must accept if we taking down. When we in beneath, that is not last world. From that we can get matter to study so that we not fall in same hole. “mistake in fron, be careful in later”. In process we must think to win, not a just to not lose. Teachable and teachable is absolute requisite to jump next level in the life (life leap).
            Then “Make piece with storm”. Storm in life or business is problem. Not avoid the problem, but live with the problem. Every problem is to fix, but if the problem can’t be fix you must live with it, not avoid it. Opinion that is part of your live.
            “Sitting at a low” is strategy to five. Don’t be proud and arrogant. Remember! If you arrogant with your partner, you will broke same with WTC building. If you be discriminative to underling, you will mussy same incident 13 Mei. If you slow to change, you will remainder period same with China for the time being. If you oppress customer, you will sink like as Firaun. To fast or slow! World want to get equality not a just to togetherness. Quality life is equality life.
            “Change your title and position”. This is strategy number six. Meaning title in here is the unique name to give trace interest to customer with the result that many people don’t forget your unique name. The unique name can you take in your name or name your store. ~Meaning of a name~
Seventh strategy is “Come in first to Paradise”. Meaning sense is if you be entrepreneur you can get morit from Allah cause your goodness. Why? Because if you be entrepreneur you can give job vacancy to other people. Then if you be entrepreneur, your income not again in limit. Be able get your income will be more great. More and more great your income, more and more too your contribution.   
            May be ten strategy above can form your entrepreneur character. After your character is build, you must have case in beneath this :
1.      Finansial capital: no need too big, but can completing your requirement to build small store.
2.      Location your store: afford your store location is strategic, easy to reach, visible, in middle of full inhabitant residence.
3.      Establish price: make some price with small profit, so some product become cheap and make trace your store selling all cheap product.
4.      Smart to find product; find agent them have complete product and have cheap price. But you can take from some agent to get cheap price in some product.
5.      Service: give service to customer with friendly and patient. Don’t be easy angry. Patch all critical customer and repair your service appropriate with request your customer.
6.      Product completeness: if you have complete product, your customer will be happy, cause they no need to buy in other store and choose to always buy in your store.
7.      How to display your product: display your product by neat, interest, and   can give trace to your customer that your product is have many collection.
8.      Good comunitation: customer is king. Don’t be shy to ask first and always answer the question by friendly. Make your customer comfortable shoping in your store.
9.      Calculator: always ready with this device, because anytime you certain need.
10.  Transportation: you must have transportation for shoping your product or to deliver customer order.
11.  Name of store: make name for your store by simple and easy to remember.
12.  Promotion : must be incessant to make promotion, for example dispart brochure to surrounding communities.
13.  Long operational hour: afford open your store early morning and don’t close too evening. Sometime customer want to buy until night.
14.  Honest: afford always be honest people. Indicate caught short of your store.
After case them must to do, now I want to inform case them to avoid. One, don’t  try to peek your competitor too often. Because it can annoy your concentration to manage your store. Two, don’t be dishonest, intentional or no. Three, don’t be not friendly. Four, don’t sell statute bared product. So, you must buy product them have long statute bares period. Five,  don’t make time open by not clear. Make schedule open and don’t change that schedule. If perforce close, make announcement in front of your store and inform when open again. Six, don’t sell risk product. Example sell snack them contains danger material. Seven, don’t chat with customer too long if you have many customer. Afford service by fast.

Be sides that, this is some strategy to establish sell price.
1.      Suggest Price
When producer enclose suggest price in pack or via media, afford you allow suggest price that.
2.      Price allow piece of rupias
Example 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and the next. With apply this price, can help to rise sum of sale. Example, when someone buy a product, because his/her money is fit, he/she choose to buy one product again.
3.      Price for product fast in demand, about 10%
4.      Price for product slow in demand, about 20-15%
5.      Softdrink, minimum 25%
6.      Toys, 50-100%

            Entrepreneur is interesting and make your live as like adventure every day. But we must have entrepreneur character and have entrepreneur skill to have success entrepreneur although only small store. Every dream can became big because that do from nought. Success can get not with instant method but always with step by step or process.
*      May this report usefull for people and public
*      And if I am make a mistake for to apologies  


*      10 Jurus Terlarang , Ippo Santosa

*      http://bisniswarung.blogspot.com/2012/04/17-kunci-sukses-bisnis-toko-kelontong/
*       http://pustaka-mhcom.blogspot.com/2013/02/10-strategi-menentukan-harga-jual-toko/


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