Kamis, 07 April 2016

The Role Of Government To The Graduates Of Educational Administration

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The Role Of Government To
The Graduates Of Educational Administration

Silvya Eka Andiarini

Universitas Negeri Malang

Educational administration is a science which learn about education from the standpoint of cooperation in the process of achieving the goals of education (Tim Dosen, 2008: 10). Educational administration was formed to create The new leaders who have good managerial abilities. This is because in the department of Educational Administration has courses Basics of Education Management, Supervision of Education, leadership of Education, Library Management, Teaching and Learning and so on, and all of the courses are taught science how to become a good leader to take over management in an instance of education, from curriculum, public relations, learners, special services, finance, facilities and infrastructure, and offices. In fact, they can also become educators professionals (Teacher). In addition, the Education Administration graduate can also work in any field because of the knowledge they have, the management in the entire field of work. In Mining Oil, also needed a manager, in the Company / Office also requires managers. Essentially managerial science always needed everywhere.
So Education Administration graduate will be a figure that is more organized, systematic, rational and wise, if they really apply the knowledge they have learned so far. In addition, knowledge in Educational Administration can be a powerful weapon in this globalization. Because to be able to compete in the modern society, where the current generation is always required to be more advanced than the previous generation, the demand for quality education is increasing. The modern era of education is not only limited gets great grades in the lesson. The ability of students to apply the theories learned in real practice is also the responsibility of a teacher. Therefore, the demand for personnel and professional teacher responsible is always increasing. The graduates of this department does not have to worry about going to the trouble of getting a job after graduation later. Education is a very broad field. They will find jobs in various fields, for example in the field of early childhood education, middle school, tutoring, or professional trainers in a variety of large corporations. In addition to the field of private education, the graduates can also work with government organizations to make a research in the field of education; for example, to identify the problems in the world's educational future and ways to overcome them, or prepare the curriculum more potential, reorganize the education system and so on.
Here is the vision and mission of the Department of Educational Administration, State University of Malang. Vision: As a superior courses and became a reference in the development of scientific and educational personnel in the sector of management education. Mission:
1.      Organizing and developing a superior academic education in the sector of Education Management.
2.      Assessing the science of Education Management in order to become a reference in accordance with the needs in the community.
3.      Develop and disseminate science and technology Education Management to improve the quality of education.
4.      Produce graduates who excel in the sector of Education Management
Graduate work in general context S1 Department of Educational Administration program to produce graduates with job opportunities in other types of relevant education personnel as stipulated in PP R.I Nomor 38 tahun 1992 tentang Tenaga Kependidikan, Bab II pasal 2-3
Section 2 (Pasal 2)
Educators are in the path of school education and school education pathways.
Section 3
1)      Education personnel consisting of educators, educational unit managers, overseers, supervisors, researchers and developers in the field of education, librarians, laboratory technicians learning resources, and testing.
2)      Educators consists of counselors, teachers, and coaches.
3)      Business education unit consisting of the school principal, director, chairman, rector, and leadership education unit outside of school.
And Chapter VII Article 19-20.
Section 19
To be appointed as education personnel who are not educators, concerned must comply the requirements set by the Minister, other Ministers, or the head of the Department of Non-Government Organization.
Section 20
1)      Education personnel who will be assigned to work as an educational unit managers and supervisors at the primary and secondary levels of education are elected from among the teachers.
2)      Education personnel who will be assigned to work as an educational unit managers and supervisors in the school education pathways chosen from among educators.
3)      Candidates for education personnel referred to in paragraph (1) is prepared through special education.
Vision and Mission of the Administration of Education, State University of Malang and government regulations are expected to graduate S1 Education Administration can occupy posts of work as follows:
1.      The business and entrepreneurship in education
2.      Educators / or administrative staff and managers in units of schooling (primary school up to higher education)
3.      Educators / administrative staff and / or management in units Office Department of Education, Local Government
4.      Educator of the relevant higher education
5.      Educators in schools that are relevant
6.      Trainers (instructors) in the centers of education and training, courses, and other relevant educational institutions
7.      Administrators, managers, and supervisors of education, especially for the graduates who already have work experience as teachers or educators
8.      Director, relevant manager or managers of educational institutions

The Reality
Most of the people even students of majoring Educational Administration still doubt how they take this department can take them anywhere. This is because the educational administration is began introduced to several Teachers' Training College since 1960. Therefore, it is also not surprising that many educators themselves can not understand how necessary and important educational administration in the implementation and development of education in general (Sahdina, 2010).
For most (almost all) graduate course Education Administration is expecting a larger number of formations within CPNS. That's because the PNS is still seen as promising for the educational administration graduate. With various facilities, benefits and career development are clear, the status of  PNS is very inappropriate to be an obsession. But in reality, there is acceptance of every CPNS in an institution or agency, for The graduate of  Educational Administration , job vacantion in CPNS formation is still very limited, even at one point, none found sertificate formation for the graduate of educational administration. Some agencies are hiring for employess none who received graduate Education Administration (Caniago, 2013). Then, if a graduate Education Administration is not needed, why should there majoring in educational administration?  So, how long these conditions will last. The theory of supply and demand in education planning never realized in institutions who have raised us. The number of graduates with the absorption of graduate (needs of the workforce) are still very unbalanced.
It exacerbating again, higher education with a major in any way will not affect assessment of the companies hiring employees who have work experience. So, not only the graduates of educational administration are threatened, but all majoring that produce human resources that have not the experience. Companies prefer to recruit experienced employees because it has proven results of its work in the professional world, regardless of how high educational background. The other side is a pattern that can be learned and experienced employees work ethic has been formed, thus minimizing the cost to be incurred by the company in terms of human resource development companies (Matagaruda).
Suggestions for Government
In accordance with Section 20
1)      Education personnel who will be assigned to work as an educational unit managers and supervisors at the primary and secondary levels of education are elected from among the teachers.
2)      Education personnel who will be assigned to work as an educational unit managers and supervisors in the school education pathways chosen from among educators.
3)      Candidates for education personnel referred to in paragraph (1) is prepared through special education.
If the meaning of special education is Educational Administration, the government should open up vacancies in CPNS for the graduate of educational administration more, added another by the lack of education personnel who are less professional in their work because they do not have adequate knowledge. Even in some schools only count on the help of teachers to perform the function of education personnel.
The government should be more active in the record vacancy education personnel in all schools and educational institutions both public and private in order to be able to channel the graduate of educational administration  to distribute knowledge he has as one way of improving educational services that will have an impact on improving the quality of education in Indonesia. In addition, the school will get full function if all the school community can work according to their respective capabilities.
Daftar Rujukan

Tim Dosen, 2008. Manajemen Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta

Matagaruda. __. Ekspektasi Dunia Kerja Indonesia Terhadap Lulusan Pendidikan Tinggi (S2 dan S3), (Online), (http://matagaruda.co.id/read/43/ekspektasi-dunia-kerja-indonesia-terhadap-lulusan-pendidikan-tinggi-s2-dan-s3), diakses 3 Desember 2015

Sahdina, Syti. 2010. Administrasi Pendidika,(Online), (http://sytisahdina.blogspot.co.id/2010/07/administrasi-pendidikan.html), diakses 3 Desember 2015

Caniago, Mukhlis. 2013. ,(Online), (https://mukhliscaniago.wordpress.com/2010/12/13/prospek-kerja-lulusan-jurusan-administrasi-pendidikan/comment-page-1/), diakses 3 Desember 2015

___. 2010. Jurusan Administrasi Pendidikan, (Online), (http://educational-administration-fip-um.blogspot.co.id/2010/01/jurusan-administrasi-pendidikan.html), diakses 28 November 2015

___. ___. Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan di Luar Negeri, (Online), (http://www.hotcourses.co.id/subject/education-management/), diakses 28 November 2015


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